Yes it is free, built your own name domain that is www.YOUR-NAME.COM.
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If your time table is once a week, then STICK TO IT. I know the problem myself when i am not sure what to write. Anyway, make commitment to update your blog.
And secondly, you have start building links with other bloggers or blog communities. Once again the more websites link to your site is the better, in this case quantity gives you more benefit. Hopefully there are growing number of visitors to your blog.
The crawlers ant of those search engines start smelling your blog everytime they update their search index. It is worth the efforts if you got the chance to submit your site URL manually to search engines to attract more and more visitors to your blog.
There 3 major giant search engines we should consider. Go directly, and submit your site URL.
This way will make sure your blog or blogs will be indexed, the next time those search engine update their index. Just wait for a couple weeks to take into effect. Hopefully the traffic to your blog will increase in due time. Is not that what we after? What is the point having a blog without readers?
have you put webstatistic counter in your blog? This is an amazing tool that record every visitors data and it is free. Try this
It is a wonderful world of blogging out there. Keep writing, keep browsing to other people blog. Keep updating your content.
Developing your own internet business is hard work.. and most difficult. Yet most rewarding when it is come to harvest time. It is a continous learning experience and will be filled with many valuable lessons we will carry for the rest of our life.
Mind you, there is on shortcut to success. But It is safe to follow the footsteps of those successful internet marketers who already successful. This is our road map to the promised land. A land of milk and honey. May your journey be a success.
However if we plan each step carefully, success will be in our hand hopefully.
we must make the first step to overcome our fear of failure. We must keep striving onward. Fear is the root of failure. No matter what obstacles we have. Keep trying.
Set short term reachable goal. Step by step. Get them one by one.
Work consistenly towards our goal each day each week until it gets done. Keep focus. Focus. Focus. Be disciplined. Do not be discouraged. This is what I learned from those successfull internet mogul.
Can we followed their footsteps?
Sure, i believe there are programs that work, but also many that are only wasting time and effort. So how do we know a good program for us? Being an affilliate of some famous and succesful internet marketers? for a beginer it is quite confusion. How do i start online marketing that really work. Where do i get some clues? How to begin with? Can we really get some money online?
Experience is the best teacher, but wise man learned from other people succes and mistakes. Welcome to internet marketing, grab your money online. Follow the steps of guru, shensei, master of these internet marketers let your common sense guide you, and may The Force be with you.